n | normal |
N | Stickstoff |
N.A.D. | no appreciable disease (o.p.B.) |
NAD/ NADH | Nicotinamid-adenin-dinucleotid |
NADP | Nicotinamid-adenin-dinucleotid-phosphat |
NAFLD | Nichtalkohlische Fettlebererkrankung |
NAP | Nervenaustrittspunkt |
NARES | nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome |
NARI | Noradrenalin-Reuptake-Inhibitor |
NASH | Non alcoholic steatohepatitis |
NASSA | Noradrenerges und spezifisch serotonerges Antidepressivum |
NAW | Notarztwagen (81) |
NBR | Nucleotid Binding Region |
NBT-Test | Nitroblautetrazoliumtest (Granulozytenfunktionstest) |
NBX | Nierenbiopsie |
NBZ | Nüchternblutzucker |
NC | Zytostase mit Mitoxantron (Novantron), Cyclophosphamid |
NC | negative control |
NC | Neurochirurgie |
NCBI | National Center for Biotechnology Information |
NCI | non capillary (silk) (Nahtseide ohne Dochtwirkung) |
NCI | National Cancer Institut |
Ncl | Nucleus |
NDV | newcastle disease virus |
NEC | nekrotisierende Enterokolitis |
NED | no evidence of disease |
NEF | Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug (82) |
neg | Negativ |
NEJM | New England Journal of Medicine |
NET | Norethisteron |