ARA | American Rheumatism Association |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARD | acute-respiratory-distress (Viren) |
AR-DRGs | Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups |
ARDS | adult respiratory distress syndrome |
Arg | Arginin |
ARPKD | autosomal rezessiv polycystic kidney disease |
ARRT | American Registry of Radiologic Technologists |
ARV | AIDS-assoziiertes Retrovirus |
AS | Asperger-Syndrom |
AS | Aminosäure |
AS | Aortenstenose |
AS | Asepsis/ Antisepsis |
ASA | Atriales septum aneurysma |
ASA | antisarkolemmaler Antikörper |
ASAT | aspartat amino transferase |
ASB | assisted spontaneous breathing |
asc. | ascendens/ ascendierend (aufsteigend) |
ASCUS | atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance |
ASD | Vorhofseptumdefekt |
ASD | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für strukturierte Diabetestherapie |
ASE | Antistreptolysin Einheit |
ASH | Alkoholische Steatohepatitis |
ASH | American Society of Hematology |
ASH | EKG: asymetrische Septumhypertrophie |
ASHG | American Society of Human Genetics |
ASK | Antistreptokinase |
ASL | Antistreptolysin |
Asn | Asparagin |
Asp | Aspartat |